Prediction or chance?
Many people believe that the simpsons
really predict the future, others believe that it is a coincidence that
situations occur that also appear in the television program. Personally, I
believe that it is neither the one nor the other. I really think that the
people in charge of carrying out the simpsons program analyze the context of
situations, people's emotions and what they think. Having great information
about this, they decide to capture what is evident that happens and what is
broadcast, which is why many believe that they are capable of predicting the
future, and others, that it is simply coincidence.
My coincidence story
I remember that my friendship with Daniella began when we had both gotten lost in college. This happened the day I had to present an admission tests and I hadn't yet found my classroom to present it. I had walked around the university when I saw her, and I asked her if she knew where to find it. She told me that she had also had to present her exam there, but she was lost too. At that moment, we decided to look for the classroom together and finally, we found it. At the end of the test, she gave me her number to keep in touch, and nowadays we´re still very good friends.
I totally agree with you and I think that these people have a great capacity and ability about information, which is why when they see the actions of human beings plus the information they know, they usually capture situations that at the time could be hypothetical, but with the time became real I think that's having great futuristic thinking based on general current situations